Igor Bobriakov
Igor is an entrepreneur and educator with a background in marketing and data science. His passion is to help small businesses and startups to utilize modern technology for growth and success. Igor founded Data Science School in 2016 and wrote numerous award-winning articles covering advanced tech and marketing topics.
difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning

This is the Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Are machine learning and artificial intelligence the same thing?  The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or the new era of technology, is driving rapid advancements in the development of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning as a prominent part of its set of technological developments. Klaus Schwab, the founder and chief executive of the World Economic Forum, described […]

3 Ways How Companies Use Big Data

3 Ways How Companies Use Big Data

“Data is the new soil because, for me, it feels like a fertile, creative medium. Over the years, online, we’ve laid down a huge amount of information and data, and we irrigate it with networks and connectivity.” David Mccandless 2020 statistics reported by bornfight.com show that 90% of the world’s data has been created in […]

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